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bbi-2018-05-iba innovations (Baker Perkins excerpt)

Numerous exhibitors will present their innovations in Munich. The editors submit a couple of novelties to give trade fair visitors an insight.

SuperCool technology

At the iba trade fair, Baker Perkins, England, will present a technological innovation to optimize the precise temperature control of Tweedy mixers. According to the company, the process, called Tweedy SuperCool, fundamentally improves mixing bowl cooling. An improved design intended to ensure greater hygiene will also be exhibited for the first time. The new plant’s maintenance work is also said to be easier. The Tweedy can be used to make doughs for toast-breads, hamburger buns and pizzas. The Tweedy SuperCool is especially suitable for use in hot climates such as the Middle East, Latin America and large parts of Asia.

f2m-bbi-18-05-IBA-Baker Perkins Tweedy Mixer

The developers have improved mixing bowl cooling on the Tweedy SuperCool

The Accurist2.1 dough divider is also new. The plant now has a foaming and rinse-off cleaning system (by hose), and is supplied with a customized low-pressure spray pistol. Due to its servo-control, dough division is said to be fast and gentle. Another new feature is the TruClean three-roll dough sheeter for crackers and snack products. The TruClean design is said to significantly reduce the time required for a typical cleaning routine.

The article is part of an extended feature, which was originally published in [BBI 5 – 2018]. Read the full article in the magazine: