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IBIE 2022: Ashworth introduces new smart system

Ashworth will launch a new smart solution at IBIE this year, the Smart Oven monitoring system, joining the Smart Spiral in this range.

The Smart Oven system will monitor critical oven operating parameters and provide real-time feedback to Maintenance, Engineering and Plant management, alerting of out-of-tolerance conditions. Offering a graphical representation of the collected data, authorized personnel are capable of viewing data on a cell phone, tablet, or personal computer. This graphical data will show current and past operating data, allowing analysis of trends that could indicate pending system issues. “By anticipating system failures (early), repairs can be planned and performed before costly system failures occur,” Ashworth explains.

Any available sensors for data collection can input data into the system, customizing it to each user’s requirements.
“While oven manufactures incorporate visual displays, our system will allow bakers to remotely view their process and receive notification, on personal devices, of pre-programmed machine conditions,” Ashworth adds.

Photo: Ashworth