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The Association of German Plant Bakeries welcomes electricity price rule

The Association of German Bakeries welcomes the federal government’s agreement on an electricity price package. The general manager of the organization, Armin Juncker, explains the benefits of the new regulation regarding the price of electricity for industrial use: “We welcome the fact that, after long, difficult negotiations, the federal government has now agreed on a new regulation for electricity prices for manufacturing companies. In our opinion, the concept is right and good, even if it is initially only intended to be valid for a limited time.

Now this agreement must be implemented immediately. The association particularly welcomes the fact that the reduction applies equally to all sectors and company sizes. This avoids a fragmentation of tax rates, which would inevitably lead to unfairness. We expressly welcome the option of relieving the burden on companies through a tax cut. In terms of regulatory policy, this approach is much better than another form of subsidies.”

Despite this agreement, electricity prices are still too high, mainly caused by insufficient supply, the members of the associations believe. Additional measures to mitigate with this problem are necessary, Juncker underlines.


Photo: Pexels (#189524)