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Zeppelin Systems launches Prisma 2020 upgrade

Zeppelin Systems USA released the Prisma 2020, the next generation of its flagship MES offering. The upgrade includes a modern software platform and technology stack, and retains all the core functionality of the legacy system while adding new features such as a performance dashboard that allows the user to input a new data point for all their recipes.

The Prisma 2020 performance dashboard tracks how long it takes to complete batches compared to the norms and also tracks the amount of time it takes the Zeppelin ingredient batching system to be ready, the company explains. This information lets plant supervisors see at a glance how well their various mixers are executing the recipes. It also has a historical feature that allows supervisors to compare a mixer’s performance with how it was performing in the last one, two, or three years. “The performance dashboard is a great benefit for the end-user since it is a very early warning system if the system performance is starting to degrade,” Zeppelin explains.

The Prisma 2020 can be deployed on mobile devices.

Photo: Zeppelin Systems LinkedIn