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Biebelhausener Mühle is restructuring

High energy costs and changed purchasing behavior prompted the company to seek reorganization. Biebelhausener Mühle GmbH & Co. KG, one of the largest and oldest companies in the Trier region with around 550 employees, is undergoing a formal restructuring process to respond to significant challenges the manufacturers of handcrafted baked goods have been facing for years.

One of these challenges lies in constantly changing customer behavior. The sale of baked goods has been shifting for years, the company points out, from the classic bakery branch via the so-called pre-checkout areas of large retailers to self-service baking stations that are operated directly by the retailer. Inflation is currently accelerating this trend.

The purchasing power of chain food retailers and the associated pressure on sales prices are further increased by significant cost increases and staff shortages. Biebelhausener Mühle was no longer able to withstand this pressure, so sustainable restructuring is now being sought under the protection of insolvency laws. In addition to an overall takeover by a strategic investor, a split of the operational business into the two service areas of branch business and frozen food production for commercial customers is also being examined. Both the regional branch network with around 60 locations in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland and the frozen food production at the Ayl-Biebelhausen location could be interesting for qualified investors.

Photo: Biebelhausener Mühle social media