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Fedima issues position paper on nutrient profiles
Nutrition facts

Fedima and its members support the revision of the European Commission’s Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on food information to consumers as part of its ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy. In a Position Paper, the association addresses specific topics related to nutrient profiles and nutrition in general. “Fedima welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the development of a nutrient profiling system and supports a simple, harmonized, fit-for-purpose and science-based approach in that sense,” the paper states. The association observes the need for improved EU coordination over national systems. New regulation should also simplify current frameworks, while ensuring clear and easily applicable rules. A nutrient profiling model must be based on concrete scientific data to ensure the correct food classification, Fedima adds. This classification should propose different types of restrictions depending on the different types of nutrient profiles, the organization proposes.

Fedima and its members welcome the Commission’s efforts to stimulate sustainable food processing and reformulation, as well as its commitment to further empower consumers through labeling. Fedima has already adopted positions on certain ‘Farm to Fork’ topics, such as front-of-pack nutrition labeling.

In the context of the Farm to Fork strategy, the association says that nutrient profiles and the proposal for harmonized front-of-pack nutrition labeling should be considered as two different initiatives with distinct objectives. With a sharp increase in national initiatives for nutrition labeling in recent years, Fedima brings to light the importance of EU-wide regulation instead.

Nutrition profiles should be based on concrete and consensual scientific data from both EFSA and other independent bodies, Fedima highlights in the Position Paper on Nutrient Profiles.

Fedima calls for the Commission to explore different restriction possibilities as well as an exemption for gradual improvements of nutritional composition to be included in the nutrient profiles system.

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