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Groundbreaking ceremony for new KEMPF plant

KEMPF held the groundbreaking ceremony to announce the official start of the construction of its new plant. Spanning around 21,000 sqm, the facility will house an upgraded production area, logistics and administration offices. The expansion will also include new staff member hires, with the total number of employees estimated to reach 200. There are plans for the production area to be set up with highly-automated, new technologies. The project is designed to source its electricity from a 2,100 kWp photovoltaic system that will be installed.

The plant is scheduled to be ready by the end of 2023, and the relocation to be complete in the first quarter of 2024. The plant is said to be designed with a ‘New York atmosphere’ in mind, which will include more space, a modern working environment, and scenic outdoor areas.

A preview of the planned facility. Photo: KEMPF GmbH

Guido Kempf, the company’s CEO, commented on the start of the expansion project: “The construction of our new plant is an important milestone and the biggest investment in our company’s history. The move is well thought out. In the current political and economic situation, the plans have certainly been called into question again. But, in the family, we agreed that we should remain true to the motto ‘Standing still is a step backward’ and dare to take the courageous step.”

The company highlighted the importance it placed on investing not only in the company but also in their local community at the same time.

Photo: Groundbreaking ceremony – pictured, left to right: Bürgermeister Christian Keck, stellv. Landrätin Kerstin Schnapp, Vorstand KUS-Pfaffenhofen Johannes Hofner, Geschäftsführer Guido Kempf, Senior Chef Josef Kempf, Hans Baierl (Trend Immobilien), Ulrich Rosenmüller (Goldbeck GmbH). Photo credit: KEMPF GmbH