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Cargill appoints new President and CEO
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Brian Sikes was elected President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cargill, effective as of January 1, 2023. With this transition, Dave MacLennan will assume the role of Executive Chair of Cargill’s Board of Directors.

Brian Sikes (Photo: LinkedIn)

Sikes will be the 10th CEO in Cargill’s 157-year history. Currently, he is Cargill’s Chief Operating Officer (COO). Sikes held leadership roles in the U.S., Canada and Europe, and served as the head of the company’s Talent Center of Expertise, the company details in the announcement. He succeeds MacLennan, who joined the company in 1991 and served in multiple executive roles, including CFO and COO, before becoming the company’s Chairman and CEO in 2013.

MacLennan created Cargill’s sustainability office, focusing on climate change issues with programs such as with RegenConnect (regenerative agriculture practices) and BeefUp Sustainability (reducing 1.7 million metric tons of CO2). In his role as Executive Chair of the Board, MacLennan will serve as a strategic advisor to Sikes, the company and the Board.

“As Cargill continues to navigate dynamic global markets, both operational excellence and a clearly articulated vision driven by purpose and values will define the company’s success, and there is no better person than Brian to lead Cargill,” said MacLennan. “He’s a person of action and results, with a relentless passion for serving our customers and our people. Brian has the qualities we value in a strong leader—integrity, empathy, resilience and authenticity. Under his leadership, I am confident the best days for Cargill, and its greatest contributions, lie ahead.”

“I am honored to succeed Dave as Cargill’s President and CEO,” said Sikes. “Under his visionary leadership, Cargill has a solid foundation, business model and culture that positions us for long-term success. Our 160,000 employees across Cargill are the best in the industry. Together, we will grow with customers, strengthen our core and thoughtfully target new markets to ensure we are a reliable, sustainable partner for our customers –today and in the future.”

Photo: AdobeStock#281649736