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baking+biscuit issue 2021-03
In the spotlight

This year, KAAK celebrates its 175th anniversary. Lodewijk van der Borg (CEO) and Theo Lammers (COO) granted us an interview with this occasion at the forefront and shared how the Group was shaped around the silo to truck’ concept, the defining moments in its impressive timeline, changes
old and new, and how its member companies build on each other’s expertise to advance in their field and provide comprehensive solutions.


In the industrial baking of any type of bread, and a multitude of other product ranges, tunnel ovens are the giants of large-volume, continuous baking, for which efficiency is a must.

The HELIOS oven is Thailand’s favorite solution for in-store ovens made by DEBAG, providing traditional stone-slab baking with static baking atmosphere. Grainbaker, the company’s sales partner in the country, observes the sought after process characteristics in the market, to achieve
high-quality products.


Manufacturing donuts with less fat and sugar is a must. However, this is just the starting point as unusual shapes, new flavor experiences, creative textures and hybrid formulations are on the rise. What do they have in common with muffins and cupcakes? Aside from striving for unique creations, or rather because of it, there is a flexibility push on the equipment supporting their manufacturing.

The shortest way to efficiency in proofing, cooling, freezing, or baking is sometimes a spiral.

VMI’s VERYMIX kneader is recommended for the continuous production of raw frozen, parbaked and/or preproofed and frozen doughs, including baguettes, ciabattas, pizzas, Viennese pastry, puff pastry and flour & water mixtures. Here is how this equipment is built for such an extended range of products.

Traditional techniques and products shape specialized equipment for the industrial production of buns, rolls, and bagels. These production lines are designed with the flexibility to provide answers to manufacturing
challenges old and new. At the same time, they pay respect to tradition and reliably support up-and-coming trends and new product innovation.


How alternative technologies can ensure hygiene in sliced bread and whole loaf production and improve shelf life.

Raw materials

The plant-based trend is growing from a flavor-of-the-moment favorite into a sustainable, long-term trend, with a market growth of over 50% for the past five years and no signs of stopping even when faced with disruptions including COVID-19. Opportunities in baking are ripe for the picking, as long as technical formulation challenges are weeded out.


Effectiveness and quality measurements in piece goods production have been commonplace in the automotive industry for decades. In the bakery industry, the demand for corresponding software solutions is increasing for more efficient production and with higher quality corresponding products.


An Alsatian manufacturer with over a hundred years of heritage relies on a modern flow-wrapping machine from Schubert to package its baked goods. The flexibility of the robot-assisted flowpacker ensures that the producer will be able to switch to more sustainable packaging in the future.


How eCommerce, click-and-collect, and brick-and-mortar are
rapidly changing baked goods purchases.

The VDB Association of Baking Technology Austria commissioned market researchers GfK AT to conduct a survey on how the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the baked goods market. It presented the first results at the beginning of March.


Baker & Baker, a specialist European bakery products manufacturer headquartered in the UK, has recently emerged as a standalone business following the separation of CSM Bakery Solutions. John Lindsay, the company’s CEO, reveals what this ‘next exciting chapter’ means for the company.