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CNBPF awards sustainable bakeries in France

The National Confederation of French Bakery Pastry (La Confédération Nationale de la Boulangerie Pâtisserie Française – CNBPF) created a new award – ‘My bakery, committed to sustainable development’, in collaboration with aAG2R LA MONDIALE, to highlight notable commitments to sustainable development in the industry.

Four bakeries were rewarded for their actions and commitments in terms of sustainable development and for their ability to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

  • ‘Most committed bakery to sustainable development’: Lopain de Terre
  • ‘Environmental Initiative’: Brioche and choux pastry
  • ‘Social Initiative’: La Case à Pain
  • ‘Favorite’: Boulangerie Raphaëlle

“The prize aims to reward the most exemplary artisans in their contribution to sustainable development objectives, and thus seeks to promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the profession,” the association explained.

The first trophies were presented on December 20, in the presence of the CNBPF President, Dominique Anract and Philippe Da Costa, General Delegate for the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS), for the social responsibility of companies (CSR), professional branches, clusters and regional coordination.


Photo: CNBPF