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Fedima General Assembly elects new Board

The Federation of European Manufacturers and Suppliers of Ingredients to the Bakery, Confectionary and Patisserie Industries (Fedima), elected a new Board during its Annual General Assembly (GA) in Seville, Spain, held from September 20 to 21. The event also saw members discuss priorities for the year ahead, share the challenges facing the sector, and gather to connect.

The newly elected Board is composed of seven representatives of national associations, Lluís Borell (Fedima España), Christof Crone (BZV), Christophe Duchez (SYFAB), Carl Horrobin (ABIM), Christian Skulte (ASSITOL), Peter Verhagen (NEBAFA), Mehmet Duruk (GIDALBIL) and 7 representatives from companies within the membership, Laurent Guerindon (AB Mauri), Thomas Lesaffre (Lesaffre), Juan Carlos Puente Benito (Zeelandia), Frederic Trombert (CSM Ingredients), Enric Valls (Puratos), Wolfgang Mayer (Backaldrin), Rolf Ahdell (Orkla Food Ingredients). The Board has a mandate of 3 years which can be renewed, and is responsible for driving the Association’s work programme and ensuring alignment with its priorities.

The panel discussion on ‘Food for the future: from traditions to innovative ingredients that meet consumers’ needs and expectations’ was held on the second day of the GA. In the panel were Petr Mensik, Senior EU Affairs Manager at EU specialty food ingredients, Tim Van de gehuchte, Sales & Marketing Manager at Meurens Natural, Enrico Frabetti Director for the Department of food policy, nutrition and health at the Spanish Food & Drink Industries Federation (FIAB), and Sylvie Borias, Director for CSR & Engagement at Bel. The discussion focused on the importance of science-based policymaking to ensure fair and implementable regulations and on the need for increased food education at all levels of society.

“Fedima and this year’s GA in beautiful Seville are a striking example of how competitors can cooperate to promote and improve their sector. We can achieve a lot by working together on relevant issues, and this is something that we also strive for at the EU level: less fragmentation in the legislation that impacts our sector. This GA also marks the end of my six years as President of Fedima; it has been a pleasure working with this generous and committed group of people who share a vision for the success of our Association and our sector. I also congratulate and welcome the newly elected Board and wish them success going forward,” shared Johan Sanders, outgoing President of Fedima.

Fedima works to represent its membership in discussions at EU level, with companies and national associations collaborating to share Fedima’s positions. Gathering representatives from 13 member associations across Europe, the GA took place in Seville with a program that included committee meetings, a panel discussion, networking moments, and a celebratory dinner. 

Photos: Fedima