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südback Trend Award winners announced

With more than 40 entries this year, the südback Trend Award has chosen its winners. The official award ceremony will be held on October 26, 2024, at südback in Stuttgart.

In the ‘Marketing, Sales and Organisation’ category, the BÄKO Head Office (BÄKO-ZENTRALE eG) impressed the jury with BÄKO-AutoPOS, an AI-controlled tool for cashless, autonomous branch management. “BÄKO-AutoPOS creates a cashless shopping experience without having to stand in queues at a till. This means that there is more time for personal advice. The automated processes also increase efficiency in branch operations while the digital payment prevents cash differences,” said Stefan Strehle, CEO of the BÄKO Head Office in Duisburg.

The Werne-based company UNIFERM GmbH & Co. KGwon the award in the ‘Raw Materials & Convenience’ category, for its new product – UNIFERM FermFresh® AromaDurum, which combines the advantages of sourdough fermentation and yeast fermentation. “Fermentation is a viable and innovative concept,” emphasized Elke Preissler, Head of Corporate and Marketing Communication at UNIFERM. “We are fortunate to have already won the südback Trend Award in 2017. We are therefore all the more delighted that we once again managed to impress the jury with our further development, i.e. duo fermentation, thanks to continuous research and development activities.”

The winner in the ‘Technology’ category was the Verden-based company VEMAG Maschinenbau GmbH with an automation solution for filling sheets, baking tins and cake rings. “Our know-how lies in the development of innovative machines for the bakery industry,” said Christoph Thelen, Managing Director of VEMAG Maschinenbau GmbH. “With the new FT722 filling table, we are providing companies with a solution that enables them to better cope with current challenges such as staff shortages or rising costs.”

Schneider GmbH, from Albershausen, was the recipient of the award in the ‘Sustainability’ category, for “Greeny”, a new biodegradable and compostable piping bag. “Our disposable piping bag ‘Greeny’ is a sustainable product that contains no plastic and is suitable for all bakers, confectioners and restaurants,” said Jochen Schneider, Managing Director of Schneider GmbH. “We are very proud to have won the award and would like to thank the jury for choosing our company.”

The award-winning companies will present their products and concepts at südback 2024. From the middle of September onwards, trade visitors can also choose the ‘public favorite’ from a selection of entries.


Photo: Messe Stuttgart