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baking+biscuit issue 2023-06

The Women’s Bakery brings breads to communities in East Africa and supports women to gain specialty training, a stable income and proper nutrition. Pauline Kariuki, Director of Operations, shares her stor y of working in the industry in Africa’s growing market and her journey together with The Women’s Bakery.

Baguettes, breads, rolls

The search for authentic products is a growing trend among consumers; it is not by chance that ‘authentic’ is the word of the year in 2023. When it comes to baguettes, it is simply a must-have attribute.


Pandemic, war, inflation, skilled worker shortage – how are such crises affecting the investment behavior of baked goods manufacturers? We asked well-known solution providers in the industry, who have been supplying baked goods manufacturers worldwide for years, for their assessment; specialists as well as full-service suppliers. The answers were anonymized.


Consumers are bound to reach for snacks more and more in the following years. Snacks are diverse and enticing additions to any eating occasion, whether they stand in for an entire meal, or are seen as a treat, a catering option for events, or a movie-night companion. Manufacturers stand to gain by keeping up the pace with innovations in this category. Extrusion provides particularly interesting opportunities.


Sunday gatherings, university admissions, Christmas lunches, first dates, rainy-day lunch breaks, or snacking on the go: virtually any occasion, part of the day, or milestone can be accompanied by a unique, memorable cake. Some may have an ‘assigned’ favorite, but any moment can be marked with a different choice of cake. This means there are limitless opportunities to create taste experiences. To do so reliably, cake mixes can help achieve excellent results, every time.

Bread lines

Technology is optimized to meet the clear trend for flexible equipment that can support changes in production and a diverse range of breads, respectively. New developments also aim at bridging the gap between artisan and industrial production, in terms of product quality and production volumes, so that the production lines can grow together with the operation.


With rising prices having become a major concern for consumers, the bakery industry faces the challenge of offering products that not only meet consumers’ expectations but also provide good value for money.

Trade shows

After the pandemic and while navigating war disruptions and ensuing instability, the baking industry warmly celebrated the time to meet again at iba, reconnect and get work done.

The ninth and biggest installment of Gulfood Manufacturing took place between November 7 and 9 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, with 3,000 exhibitors from 80 countries and over 36,000 visitors attending the show and the co-located events, The Speciality Food Festival, ISM Middle East and Private Label Middle East.


In industrial production, the modulation of fermenting microbiota is the most critical stage. Understanding how it responds to processing conditions is essential to guarantee product quality.

Raw materials

Following consumer plant-based preferences, the bakery industry is turning to egg alternatives. Faba bean proteins mimic many of the required properties  and allow for sustainable solutions