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AMF Bakery Systems expands DACH team

Alexander Beuschlein joined AMF Bakery Systems’ sales team for the German and Austrian bakery markets. He will be representing AMF and all its brands, including Tromp sheeting, laminating and depositing and Den Boer tunnel ovens and proofing systems, the company announced.

Alexander Beuschlein, AMF Bakery Sytems. Photo credit: AMF

Beuschlein has experience in bakery equipment sales and has worked in the German market for many years. For the past year, he has been working in Canada and North America for AMF Bakery Systems, and recently moved back to Germany, where he operates out of the Munich region for Germany and Austria.

Beuschlein will be a contact for these markets for both large and medium-sized bakeries. “Networking with bakers and being able to consult of their growing need for automation, digitalization and sustainability in the bakery, is where Beuschlein brings value to the table,” AMF highlighted.

The Innovation Center

Bakeries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can also visit AMF’s Innovation Center for information about automation opportunities and equipment features. Frank van Hees, another member of the DACH team, highlights the benefits of bakeries and food producers having the experience of a visit:  “We want to invite every German, Austrian and Swiss bakery to challenge us to upgrade their processes and their recipes tested in 2022 and 2023, we are open for a free visit!” , said Van Hees and Beuschlein.

AMF provides solutions and automation for bakeries, from complete systems and production lines to single units for specific functionality. Sheeting and laminating technology, decoration and topping are covered by its brand AMF Tromp. Tunnel ovens powered by natural gas, hydrogen and also 100% electricity are important sustainable products by AMF Den Boer, to support bakeries and food producers with their need for less carbon footprint and improved sustainability.