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Japanese Baker Taguchi acquires Brooklyn Brands

Japanese bakery Taguchi & Co purchased Brooklyn Brands from Astor Group, broadening its North American presence. After the eight-figure acquisition, Brooklyn Brands will focus on foodservice and introduce a new brand in 2024, Forbes reports. The company now makes private-label products for 10,000 retailers including Kroger, Albertsons, Whole Foods, Publix, Stop & Shop, Costco and Wegmans.

Astor Group partners, Seth Zalkin and Mickey Klein, acquired bakeries and founded Brooklyn Brands in 2015. Their goal was to make significant investments to support the brands and sell artisanal Brooklyn baked goods throughout the US.

Brooklyn Brands also operates Lilly’s Baking Co., dedicated to home-style baked products.

Photo: Lilly’s Baking social media