Fedima GA 2024 breaks participation records
Fedima members and the wider bakery industry network gathered in Istanbul to discuss drivers of change in the sector and the industry’s priorities, at the annual General Assembly (September 18-20).
Fedima members and the wider bakery industry network gathered in Istanbul to discuss drivers of change in the sector and the industry’s priorities, at the annual General Assembly (September 18-20).
Fedima published an industry-wide Code of Conduct for Responsible Sourcing in the bakery ingredients industry, aimed at Fedima members and all suppliers of the bakery and patisserie industry in Europe. The Code of Conduct provides responsible sourcing standards and guidance for their implementation.
Waffle recipes are quite simple and do not need many ingredients. To obtain the adequate waffle sheet structure, the flour
The new President of Fedima, Thomas Lesaffre, shared his views on the role of the association in defending the industry and the work ahead, in support of the organization’s members, their customers and the consumer.
Fedima nominated its new President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, appointed for a three-year mandate to guide the Board and the association’s work. The new leadership, decided during the recently elected Board’s meeting, includes Thomas Lesaffre of Lesaffre as President, Juan Carlos Puente of Zeelandia as Vice-President, and Carl Horrobin of ABIM as Treasurer.
The Federation of European manufacturers and suppliers of ingredients to the bakery, confectionery, and patisserie industries, Fedima, published its new, interactive 2022-2023 Annual Report. The report provides an overview of Fedima’s work over the past year, insights into the core areas of activity of each workstream, as well as a preview of key upcoming projects for 2024.
At iba, EUROGERM will present its Collection #10, ‘The Art of the Signature!’. The 2023-2024 collection provides a variety of solutions to meet the needs of today’s consumers, focusing on concerns about protecting the planet or maintaining good health.
Fedima and its members support the revision of the European Commission’s Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on food information to consumers as part of its ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy. In a Position Paper, the association addresses specific topics related to nutrient profiles and nutrition in general.
EUROGERM announced its US company merged with KB INGREDIENTS – a specialist in the manufacture, packaging and distribution of food ingredients – and is now called EUROGERM KB LLC.