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bbi-2023-06-The main topic is the staff

A study by Food2Multimedia

Pandemic, war, inflation, skilled worker shortage – how are such crises affecting the investment behavior of baked goods manufacturers? We asked well-known solution providers in the industry, who have been supplying baked goods manufacturers worldwide for years, for their assessment; specialists as well as full-service suppliers. The answers were anonymized.

More than half of the suppliers surveyed reported falling customer numbers. This is hardly surprising, as it reflects the global trend towards ever greater concentration in the baking industry that has been observed for years. For just under a third of the suppliers – almost all specialists in fields such as packaging, the supply of molds and trays, or automation solutions – the number has remained the same, nevertheless. This reflects an increased customer interest in solutions in the respective areas, on the one hand, and for the increasing depersonalization and automation of production and logistics processes, on the other. If production lines are to run largely without personnel, they need automated raw material supply as well as standardized and automatically stackable trays and molds. If you want to supply supermarkets, catering and food service, you need hygienically packaged products.